Sexuality & Spirituality
Research Network
Generating Knowledge for
Sex Life Transformation
Generating Knowledge for
Sex Life Transformation
The Sexuality and Spirituality Research Network (S&SRN) is a not-for-profit educational organization dedicated to the production and diffusion of interdisciplinary research on sexuality and spirituality. We focus on adult sex education, alternative sexualities, arts of living, erotic arts, and non-religious spirituality.
Our network provides an online location for researchers inquiring about the interrelations between sexuality and spirituality to engage with each other and work together in multi, inter, and transdisciplinary activities. We bring together scholars, professionals, practitioners, and communities all over the globe exploring alternative approaches to sex, gender awareness, relationships, and subjectivity.
We develop our own interdisciplinary research projects and academic publications. But we also diffuse our research outcomes beyond academic circles: we produce social media contents—posts, videos, podcasts, infographics—, conferences, and virtual events. Furthermore, we convert interdisciplinary research outcomes into programs, curriculums, guidelines, manuals, or activities, and design strategies to diffuse and share the information among people around the world. The intent here is to help to bridge the gap between the academy and everyday life.
Our mission is to generate knowledge about sex and sexuality that could be helpful for individuals and communities trying to improve their erotic skills and trying to enhance their sex lives. Understanding and experiencing sexuality as a central dimension of human flourishing and as a fundamental ground for the embodiment of ethical principles, we discuss models and create tools to prevent sexual abuse, sex addiction, sexual indifference, and sexual dissatisfaction; we offer adult sex education, sex life cultivation, gender empowerment, and arts of living programs; we diffuse selflessness alongside critical consciousness and promote alternative ways of life.
We explore the new cultural conditions of sex, relation-ships, gender awareness, and subjectivity after the COVID-19 pandemic through twelve interdisciplinary essays questioning the biopolitics of the new normal: the self-control regime of post-hedonistic societies.
Sexuality and Eroticism in a Post-pandemic World
Beyond the Biopolitics of the New Normal
Edited by Phil Shining and Jon Braddy
Brill, 2023
The cultural change denominated as “the new normal” goes far beyond the adaptation to habits like physical distancing, limited person-to-person contact, teleworking, and self-isolation established with the COVID-19 pandemic. A series of significant transformations in human behavior spreads today in societies all around the world: physical intimacy decreases while virtual reality expands and alterity declines while artificial intelligence emerges, leading to structural reconfigurations of sex, relationships, gender awareness, and subjectivity. Sexuality and Eroticism in a Post-pandemic World explores this new cultural atmosphere through twelve interdisciplinary essays questioning global governmentality and challenging the biopolitics of the new normal—the administration of self-control societies so politically correct that repressed desire for otherness only finds a simulation of its satisfaction with the forced abnormality, outrageousness, and violence of mainstream porn—, going from ars erotica to alternative pornography, from online dating to gender fluidity, from LGBTQI+ artivism to sex life cultivation, and more.
The S&SRN presents a social media adult-sex-education campaign focused on the cultivation of of altruism and responsibility through the accomplishment of a pleasurable and gratifying sex life. The methodological strategy of We Live a Sex-Positive Life is to combine eroticism and critical theory: this is the best way to balance sex-positivity with critical consciousness. We share these free access contents, not only with young adults, but with adults of all ages interested in enhancing and refining their sexuality.
Just relax and push play. Turn off the lights and turn up the volume: now we are going to turn you up. The S&SRN presents its own audio erotica series, 88 Arts of Making Love, where fictional characters teach us how to make love through their romantic, erotic, and sexual experiences. The stories of this series go from first dates to threesome adventures and from Tantric sex to BDSM role play, because an art of making love can be developed from any practice—and we can learn them all.